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vikram hace 3 años
Se han modificado 4 ficheros con 223 adiciones y 63 borrados
  1. +42
  2. +95
  3. +46
  4. +40

+ 42
- 21
sim_1/imports/Downloads/encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_tb_1.sv Ver fichero

@@ -22,28 +22,30 @@
// encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_tb is written to verify encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl
module encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_tb();

parameter N = 32; //12; // length of information+CRC+Frozen bits
parameter K = 16; //4; // length of information+CRC bits
//parameter N = 32; //12; // length of information+CRC+Frozen bits
//parameter K = 16; //4; // length of information+CRC bits
reg clock_i = 1'b0; // system clock
reg reset_ni = 1'b1; // active low synchronous reset
reg [9:0]N_in;
reg [8:0]K_in;
reg [K-1:0] msg_i; // input information+CRC bits
//reg [K-1:0] msg_i; // input information+CRC bits
reg [163:0] msg_i; // input information+CRC bits
//wire [9:0] pc_pos1_o,pc_pos2_o,pc_pos3_o; // first, second, third positions to insert parity check bits
wire [N-1:0] msg_o; // information+CRC+frozen bits
//wire [N-1:0] msg_o; // information+CRC+frozen bits

wire [9:0] index_out32;
wire [9:0] index_out64;
wire [9:0] index_out128;
wire [9:0] index_out256;
wire [9:0] index_out512;
// wire [9:0] index_out32;
// wire [9:0] index_out64;
// wire [9:0] index_out128;
// wire [9:0] index_out256;
// wire [9:0] index_out512;
wire [511:0]msg_1_out;
// Instantiating and connecting the design module with test bench
encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl #(
encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl //#(
// .N(N),
// .K(K)
// )
@@ -52,12 +54,12 @@ wire [N-1:0] msg_o; // information+CRC+frozen bits
. msg_o(msg_o),
// . msg_o(msg_o),
//. index_out32 ( index_out32),
. index_out64(index_out64),
. index_out128(index_out128),
. index_out256(index_out256),
. index_out512(index_out512),
// . index_out64(index_out64),
// . index_out128(index_out128),
//. index_out256(index_out256),
// . index_out512(index_out512),
.msg_1_out(msg_1_out) );
@@ -72,13 +74,32 @@ wire [N-1:0] msg_o; // information+CRC+frozen bits
K_in = 'd16;
@(negedge clock_i);
msg_i = 'hC8F5; //aaaabbbbccccddddaaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffff111122223333444455556666; // applying inputs to the DUT
@(negedge clock_i); // waiting for the negedge of clock_i
reset_ni = 'd0; // activating the reset_ni
@(negedge clock_i);
msg_i = 'hACF5; //'h3;
#4 reset_ni = 'd1;
N_in = 'd64;
K_in = 'd20;
@(negedge clock_i);
msg_i = 'h0001; //'h3;
//reset_ni = 'd0;
@(negedge clock_i); // waiting for the negedge of clock_i
reset_ni = 'd0; // activating the reset_ni
@(negedge clock_i);
#4 reset_ni = 'd1;
@(negedge clock_i);
N_in = 'd128;
K_in = 'd12;
@(negedge clock_i);
msg_i = 'h9C83; //4'b1101;
#30 $finish;
#300 $finish;

+ 95
- 42
sources_1/imports/Downloads/encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl_1.sv Ver fichero

@@ -20,43 +20,55 @@

// encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl is written to insert frozen bits in between information bits, according to reliability sequence
module encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl#(
parameter N = 32, //128, // length of information+CRC+Frozen bits
parameter K = 16 //64 // length of information+CRC bits
) (
module encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl
// parameter N = 32, //128, // length of information+CRC+Frozen bits
// parameter K = 16 //64 // length of information+CRC bits
input wire clock_i, // system clock
input wire reset_ni, // active low synchronous reset
//input wire rst_in, // active low synchronous reset
input wire [9:0]N_in,
input wire [8:0]K_in,
input wire [K-1:0] msg_i, // input information+CRC bits
//input wire [K-1:0] msg_i, // input information+CRC bits
input wire [163:0] msg_i,
//output reg [9:0] pc_pos1_o, // first position to insert parity check bit
// output reg [9:0] pc_pos2_o, // second position to insert parity check bit
//output reg [9:0] pc_pos3_o, // third position to insert parity check bit
output reg [N-1:0] msg_o, // information+CRC+frozen bits
//output reg [N-1:0] msg_o, // information+CRC+frozen bits
// output reg [9:0]index_out32,
output reg [9:0]index_out64,
output reg [9:0]index_out128,
output reg [9:0]index_out256,
output reg [9:0]index_out512,
// output reg [9:0]index_out64,
// output reg [9:0]index_out128,
// output reg [9:0]index_out256,
// output reg [9:0]index_out512,
output reg [511:0]msg_1_out

reg [9:0] pc_pos1_1, pc_pos2_1, pc_pos3_1; // internal registers to hold the parity check bit postions
reg [N-1:0] msg_1; // internal register to hold the output of frozen bit insertion
//reg [9:0] pc_pos1_1, pc_pos2_1, pc_pos3_1; // internal registers to hold the parity check bit postions
//reg [N-1:0] msg_1; // internal register to hold the output of frozen bit insertion
int i,j,k='d0,p='d0,q='d0,x='d0; // looping variables
// int i,j,k='d0,p='d0,q='d0,x='d0; // looping variables

// reg [9:0]frz_pos[N-1:0]; // internal register to store reliability sequence depending on N value

reg [9:0]frz_pos[N-1:0]; // internal register to store reliability sequence depending on N value
reg [4:0]rel_seq_enable;
reg [9:0] addrs_cntr;
//reg rel_seq_enable;
reg rel_seq_en_dly,rel_seq_en_dly1;
wire [9:0]index_out32;
reg [9:0]index_out32_dly;
wire [8:0]indx_K;
wire [9:0]index_out32, index_out64,index_out128, index_out256,index_out512;
reg [9:0]index_out32_dly,indexs_out;
reg [2:0]sel_indxs;
wire [9:0]indx_K;
wire Dwn_en_r ,cnt_rst;
reg loc_rst;
reg loc_rst_dly;
wire [9:0]r_cnt_val_rst;
// storing the frozen locations in rel_seq array (reliability in ascending order)
/*reg [9:0]rel_seq[1023:0] = '{ 10'd0 , 10'd1 , 10'd2 , 10'd4 , 10'd8 , 10'd16 , 10'd32 , 10'd3 , 10'd5 , 10'd64 , 10'd9 ,
@@ -304,6 +316,7 @@ module encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl#(
{10'd31, 10'd30, 10'd29, 10'd27, 10'd23, 10'd15, 10'd28, 10'd22, 10'd25, 10'd26, 10'd21, 10'd14, 10'd13, 10'd19, 10'd11, 10'd7, 10'd24,
10'd20, 10'd12, 10'd18, 10'd10, 10'd17, 10'd6, 10'd9, 10'd5, 10'd3, 10'd16, 10'd8, 10'd4, 10'd2, 10'd1, 10'd0};
// instantiatig a register(group of FF's) to hold the output and synchronize the module w.r.t clock and reset signals
register #(
.WIDTH('d10), // overriding the width of register with the length of output to be registered
@@ -350,23 +363,26 @@ module encoder_frozen_bit_insertion_rtl#(
.rstb(reset_ni), // connecting reset ports
.din(msg_1), // connecting input of register with the value that needs to be registered
.dout(msg_o) // connecting the registered output with the output port of current module
); */
////// on 03032021.//////////////
//// copy input msg to a reg.
// decalare a output reg for all combinations
always @(N_in )//or K_in) //// enables of rel_seq are (rel_seq_512,rel_seq_256,rel_seq_128,rel_seq_64,rel_seq_32)
always @(N_in )//or K_in) //// enables of rel_seq are in the order of (rel_seq_512,rel_seq_256,rel_seq_128,rel_seq_64,rel_seq_32)
case (N_in)
10'd32 : begin rel_seq_enable = 5'b00001; end
10'd64 : begin rel_seq_enable = 5'b00010; end
10'd128 : begin rel_seq_enable = 5'b00100; end
10'd256 : begin rel_seq_enable = 5'b01000; end
10'd512 : begin rel_seq_enable = 5'b10000; end
10'd32 : begin sel_indxs = 3'b000; rel_seq_enable = 5'b00001; end
10'd64 : begin sel_indxs = 3'b001; rel_seq_enable = 5'b00010; end
10'd128 : begin sel_indxs = 3'b010; rel_seq_enable = 5'b00100; end
10'd256 : begin sel_indxs = 3'b011; rel_seq_enable = 5'b01000; end
10'd512 : begin sel_indxs = 3'b100; rel_seq_enable = 5'b10000; end
default: begin sel_indxs = 3'b000; rel_seq_enable = 5'b00001; end

assign rel_seq_en = |rel_seq_enable;
assign rel_seq_en = |rel_seq_enable; // added a logic to rst for loading the values

//assign reset_ni = rst_in || (~loc_rst_dly);
always @ (posedge clock_i)
if (!reset_ni)
@@ -378,34 +394,58 @@ begin
rel_seq_en_dly <= rel_seq_en;
rel_seq_en_dly1 <= rel_seq_en_dly;
//rel_seq_en_dly1 <= indx_K ? rel_seq_en_dly: 1'b0;
index_out32_dly <= index_out32;
//index_out32_dly <= index_out32; /// comment on 04032021.
index_out32_dly <= indexs_out;
loc_rst_dly <= loc_rst;

//assign rel_seq_en_dly2 : indx_K ? rel_seq_en_dly: 1'b0;

rel_seq_cntr addrss (.clk(clock_i),.rst_n(reset_ni),.En(rel_seq_en_dly),.N_val(N_in),.K_val(K_in),.adr_out(addrs_cntr));
///// rel_seq mem's
relt_seq_32 rel_32 ( .en_32(rel_seq_enable[0]), .out_32(index_out32), .adr_32 (addrs_cntr));
relt_seq_64 rel_64 ( .en_64(rel_seq_enable[1]), .out_64(index_out64), .adr_64 (addrs_cntr));
relt_seq_32 rel_32 ( .en_32(rel_seq_enable[0]), .out_32(index_out32), .adr_32 (addrs_cntr));
relt_seq_64 rel_64 ( .en_64(rel_seq_enable[1]), .out_64(index_out64), .adr_64 (addrs_cntr));
relt_seq_128 rel_128 ( .en_128(rel_seq_enable[2]), .out_128(index_out128), .adr_128 (addrs_cntr));
relt_seq_256 rel_256 ( .en_256(rel_seq_enable[3]), .out_256(index_out256), .adr_256 (addrs_cntr));
relt_seq_512 rel_512 ( .en_512(rel_seq_enable[4]), .out_512(index_out512), .adr_512 (addrs_cntr));

counter_K counterK (.Clk(clock_i),.Load(rel_seq_en_dly1),.Kin(K_in),.Q(indx_K));
//counter_K counterK (.Clk(clock_i),.Dwn_en(Dwn_en_r),.Load(rel_seq_en_dly1),.Kin(K_in),.Q(indx_K));
//counter_K counterK (.Clk(clock_i),.Dwn_en(rel_seq_en_dly),.Load(rel_seq_en_dly1),.Kin(K_in),.Q(indx_K));

//assign Dwn_en_r = ~| indx_K; /// added for stopping the down counter.
//assign cnt_rst = ((~reset_ni) || Dwn_en_r); /// for restting the counter.

always@(posedge clock_i) // operation done.
begin /// not used till 05-03-2021.
if (r_cnt_val_rst == K_in)
loc_rst = 1'b1;
loc_rst = 1'b0;

dwn_cntr cntr_K (.rst_n(reset_ni),.clk(clock_i), .Enb(rel_seq_en_dly),.K_val(K_in),.cnt_out(indx_K),.cnt_val_rst(r_cnt_val_rst)); //working commented on 04032021. at 15:11pm.

//dwn_cntr cntr_K (.rst_n(loc_rst),.clk(clock_i), .Enb(rel_seq_en_dly),.K_val(K_in),.cnt_out(indx_K),.cnt_val_rst(r_cnt_val_rst)); not working.

mux6to1 indexs (.indx_1(index_out32),.indx_2(index_out64),.indx_3(index_out128),.indx_4(index_out256),.indx_5(index_out512),.sel_indx(sel_indxs),.indx_out(indexs_out));

always @ (negedge clock_i)
if (rel_seq_en_dly1)
//msg_1_out[index_out32] = msg_i[K-1-x];
//msg_1[frz_pos[q]] = msg_i[K-1-x];
msg_1_out[index_out32_dly] = msg_i[indx_K];
//msg_1[frz_pos[q]] = msg_i[K-1-x];
msg_1_out[index_out32_dly] = msg_i[indx_K];
//msg_1_out[indexs_out_dly] = msg_i[indx_K];
msg_1_out = 511'd0;


//---------------------------------------- end ---------------------------------------//
// always_comb begin
/* begin : child_rel_seq
//k = 'd0;
@@ -441,9 +481,9 @@ end


// register is written to synchronize a combiational logic w.r.t clock and reset signals
module register #(
parameter int WIDTH = 1, // width of the input and output of the register
@@ -478,6 +518,7 @@ module register #(

/*always @ (posedge clk)
@@ -492,15 +533,28 @@ begin
assign adr_out = tmp;
endmodule */
module counter_K (Clk, Load,Kin, Q);
input Clk, Load;
////////////////////////// used in place of dwn_cntr ///////////////////////////////////////////
/*module counter_K (Clk,Dwn_en, Load,Kin, Q);
input Clk, Load,Dwn_en ;
input [8:0]Kin;
output [8:0] Q;
reg [8:0] tmp;
always @(posedge Clk)
if (Dwn_en)
if (!Load || (tmp == 0)) // added by amit
tmp = Kin -1;
tmp = tmp - 1'b1;
tmp = tmp;
assign Q = Kin - tmp;
/* begin
if (!Load || (tmp == 0)) // added by amit
//if (!Load) // trueone.
tmp = Kin -1;
@@ -508,6 +562,5 @@ reg [8:0] tmp;
tmp = tmp - 1'b1;
// else
// tmp = tmp;
assign Q = tmp;
end */

+ 46
- 0
sources_1/new/dwn_cntr.v Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 04.03.2021 11:54:49
// Design Name:
// Module Name: dwn_cntr
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:

module dwn_cntr(rst_n,clk, Enb,K_val,cnt_out, cnt_val_rst);
input rst_n,Enb,clk;
input [8:0]K_val;
output [9:0]cnt_out,cnt_val_rst;

reg [9:0]temp;

always @ (posedge clk)
if (!rst_n) //(!rst_n) // commented on 04032021 for chceking.
temp <= 0;
else if (temp == K_val)
temp <= temp; //10'd0;
else if (Enb)
temp <= temp + 1'b1;
temp <= temp;
assign cnt_out = K_val - temp;
assign cnt_val_rst = temp;

+ 40
- 0
sources_1/new/mux6to1.v Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 04.03.2021 10:10:40
// Design Name:
// Module Name: mux6to1
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:

module mux6to1(indx_1,indx_2,indx_3,indx_4,indx_5,sel_indx,indx_out);
input [9:0]indx_1,indx_2,indx_3,indx_4,indx_5;
input [2:0]sel_indx;
output reg [9:0]indx_out;

always @(sel_indx or indx_1 or indx_2 or indx_3 or indx_4 or indx_5 )
case (sel_indx)
3'b000 : indx_out = indx_1;
3'b001 : indx_out = indx_2;
3'b010 : indx_out = indx_3;
3'b011 : indx_out = indx_4;
3'b100 : indx_out = indx_5;
//3'b101 : indx_out = indx_6;
default : indx_out = indx_1;
