@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ |
Interface intf(input bit clock,bit reset); |
/////////////////write_address channel/////////////////// |
input rand bit [3:0] awid; |
input rand logic [31:0]awaddr; |
input rand logic [3:0] awlen; |
input rand logic [2:0] awsize; |
input rand logic [1:0] awburst; |
input logic awvalid; |
output logic awready; |
////////////write_data channel/////////////////////////// |
input rand bit[3:0] wid; |
input rand logic [31:0]wdata[]; |
input logic [3:0]wstrb; |
input logic wlast; |
input logic wvalid; |
output logic wready; |
//////////write_response channel//////////////////////// |
output bit [3:0]bid; |
output logic [1:0]bresp; |
output logic bvalid; |
input logic bready; |
/////////////read_address////////////////////////////// |
input randc bit [3:0] arid; |
input rand logic [31:0]araddr; |
input rand logic [3:0]arlen; |
input rand logic [2:0]arsize; |
input rand logic [1:0]arburst; |
input logic arvalid; |
output logic arready; |
//////////////read_data///////////////////////////// |
input bit [3:0] rid; |
input logic [31:0]rdata[]; |
output logic [1:0]rresp; |
output logic rlast; |
output logic rvalid; |
input logic rready; |
///Value of 2'b11 on AWBURST is not permitted when AWVALID is high/// |
property p; |
@(posedge clk) awvalid |-> !(awburst==2'b11); |
endproperty |
assert property(p); |
$display("assertion pass") |
else |
$uvm_fatal("assertion fail") |
///When AWVALID is high,AWADDR cannot be unknown values//// |
property p1; |
@(posedge clk) awvalid |-> !($isunknown(awaddr)) ; |
endproperty |
assert property(p1) |
$display("assertion pass") |
else |
$uvm_fatal("assertion fail") |
///WVALID can assert before AWVALID/// |
property p2; |
@(posedge clk) wvalid |=> awvalid; |
endproperty |
assert property(p2) |
$display("assertion pass") |
else |
$uvm_fatal("assertion fail") |
///AWREADY should be asserted before or after AWVALID is asserted//// |
property p3; |
@(posedge clk) awready |=> awvalid; |
endproperty |
assert property(p3) |
$display("assertion pass") |
else |
$uvm_fatal("assertion fail") |