123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185 |
- import uvm_pkg::*;
- typedef enum bit[1:0] { FIXED, INCR, WRAP } B_TYPE;
- // Class: axi_transaction
- //
- class axi_transaction#(d_width = 16, a_width = 16) extends uvm_sequence_item;
- typedef axi_transaction#(d_width, a_width) this_type_t;
- `uvm_object_param_utils(axi_transaction#(d_width, a_width));
- // Group: Variables
- bit [8:0] id;
- rand bit [a_width-1:0] addr;
- rand bit write;
- rand bit [7:0] data [][];
- rand bit [2:0] b_size;
- rand bit [3:0] b_len;
- rand B_TYPE b_type;
- bit b_last;
- bit [1:0] b_resp;
- bit [1:0] r_resp [];
- // Group: Constraints
- constraint b_size_val { 8*(2**b_size) <= d_width; }
- constraint data_size {
- /* solve order constraints */
- solve b_len before data;
- solve b_size before data;
- /* rand variable constraints */
- data.size() == b_len+1;
- foreach (data[i] )
- data[i].size() == 2**b_size;
- }
- constraint b_len_val {
- /* solve order constraints */
- solve b_type before b_len;
- /* rand variable constraints */
- if(b_type == FIXED)
- b_len inside { 0, 1 };
- else if(b_type == WRAP)
- b_len inside { 1, 3, 7, 15 };
- }
- constraint addr_val {
- /* solve order constraints */
- solve b_type before addr;
- solve b_size before addr;
- /* rand variable constraints */
- if(b_type == WRAP)
- addr == int'(addr/2**b_size) * 2**b_size;
- }
- constraint addr_val_align {
- /* solve order constraints */
- solve b_size before addr;
- /* rand variable constraints */
- addr == int'(addr/2**b_size) * 2**b_size;
- }
- constraint addr_val_unalign {
- /* solve order constraints */
- solve b_size before addr;
- /* rand variable constraints */
- addr != int'(addr/2**b_size) * 2**b_size;
- }
- // Constructor: new
- function new(string name = "axi_transaction");
- super.new(name);
- endfunction: new
- // Function: do_copy
- extern function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
- // Function: do_compare
- extern function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
- // Function: convert2string
- extern function string convert2string();
- // Function: do_print
- extern function void do_print(uvm_printer printer);
- // Function: do_record
- // extern function void do_record(uvm_recorder recorder);
- // Function: do_pack
- // extern function void do_pack();
- // Function: do_unpack
- // extern function void do_unpack();
- endclass: axi_transaction
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Functions */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function void axi_transaction::do_print(uvm_printer printer);
- /* chain the print with parent classes */
- super.do_print(printer);
- /* list of local properties to be printed: */
- printer.print_field("ID", id, $bits(id), UVM_UNSIGNED);
- printer.print_field("Addr", addr, $bits(addr), UVM_HEX);
- printer.print_generic("Data", "dynamic array", 8*2**b_size*(b_len+1), $sformatf("%u", data));
- printer.print_field("Burst Size", b_size, $bits(b_size), UVM_UNSIGNED);
- printer.print_field("Burst Length", b_len+1, $bits(b_len), UVM_UNSIGNED);
- printer.print_generic("Burst Type", "B_TYPE", $bits(b_len), b_type.name());
- endfunction: do_print
- function string axi_transaction::convert2string();
- string s;
- /* chain the convert2string with parent classes */
- s = super.convert2string();
- /* list of local properties to be printed: */
- // guide 0---4---8--12--16--20--24--28--32--36--40--44--48--
- s = {s, $sformatf("ID : %0d\n", id)};
- s = {s, $sformatf("Addr : 0x%0h\n", addr)};
- s = {s, $sformatf("Data : 0x%0u\n", data)};
- s = {s, $sformatf("Busrt Type : %s\n", b_type.name())};
- s = {s, $sformatf("Burst Size : %0d\n", b_size)};
- s = {s, $sformatf("Busrt Length : %0d\n", b_len+1)};
- s = {s, $sformatf("Busrt resp : 0x%0h\n", b_resp)};
- s = {s, $sformatf("Read resp : %0u\n", r_resp)};
- return s;
- endfunction: convert2string
- function void axi_transaction::do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
- this_type_t rhs_;
- if (!$cast(rhs_, rhs)) begin
- `uvm_error({this.get_name(), ".do_copy()"}, "Cast failed!");
- return;
- end
- // `uvm_info({this.get_name(), ".do_copy()"}, "Cast succeded.", UVM_HIGH);
- /* chain the copy with parent classes */
- super.do_copy(rhs);
- /* list of local properties to be copied */
- this.id = rhs_.id;
- this.addr = rhs_.addr;
- this.data = rhs_.data;
- this.b_type = rhs_.b_type;
- this.b_size = rhs_.b_size;
- this.b_len = rhs_.b_len;
- this.b_resp = rhs_.b_resp;
- this.r_resp = rhs_.r_resp;
- endfunction: do_copy
- function bit axi_transaction::do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
- this_type_t rhs_;
- if (!$cast(rhs_, rhs)) begin
- `uvm_error({this.get_name(), ".do_compare()"}, "Cast failed!");
- return 0;
- end
- // `uvm_info({this.get_name(), ".do_compare()"}, "Cast succeded.", UVM_HIGH);
- /* chain the compare with parent classes */
- do_compare = super.do_compare(rhs, comparer);
- /* list of local properties to be compared: */
- do_compare &= (
- this.id == rhs_.id &&
- this.addr == rhs_.addr &&
- this.b_type == rhs_.b_type &&
- this.b_size == rhs_.b_size &&
- this.b_len == rhs_.b_len &&
- this.b_resp == rhs_.b_resp
- );
- foreach(data[i,j]) begin
- do_compare &= this.data[i][j] == rhs_.data[i][j];
- end
- foreach ( r_resp[i] ) begin
- do_compare &= this.r_resp[i] == rhs_.r_resp[i];
- end
- endfunction: do_compare