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124 lines
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  1. # Django #
  2. *.log
  3. *.pot
  4. *.pyc
  5. __pycache__
  6. db.sqlite3
  7. media
  8. # Backup files #
  9. *.bak
  10. # If you are using PyCharm #
  11. .idea/**/workspace.xml
  12. .idea/**/tasks.xml
  13. .idea/dictionaries
  14. .idea/**/dataSources/
  15. .idea/**/dataSources.ids
  16. .idea/**/dataSources.xml
  17. .idea/**/dataSources.local.xml
  18. .idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml
  19. .idea/**/dynamic.xml
  20. .idea/**/uiDesigner.xml
  21. .idea/**/gradle.xml
  22. .idea/**/libraries
  23. *.iws /out/
  24. # Python #
  25. *.py[cod]
  26. *$py.class
  27. # Distribution / packaging
  28. .Python build/
  29. develop-eggs/
  30. dist/
  32. eggs/
  33. .eggs/
  34. lib/
  35. lib64/
  36. parts/
  37. sdist/
  38. var/
  39. wheels/
  40. *.egg-info/
  41. .installed.cfg
  42. *.egg
  43. *.manifest
  44. *.spec
  45. # Installer logs
  46. pip-log.txt
  47. pip-delete-this-directory.txt
  48. # Unit test / coverage reports
  49. htmlcov/
  50. .tox/
  51. .coverage
  52. .coverage.*
  53. .cache
  54. .pytest_cache/
  55. nosetests.xml
  56. coverage.xml
  57. *.cover
  58. .hypothesis/
  59. # Jupyter Notebook
  60. .ipynb_checkpoints
  61. # pyenv
  62. .python-version
  63. # celery
  64. celerybeat-schedule.*
  65. # SageMath parsed files
  66. *
  67. # Environments
  68. .env
  69. .venv
  70. env/
  71. venv/
  72. ENV/
  73. env.bak/
  74. venv.bak/
  75. # mkdocs documentation
  76. /site
  77. # mypy
  78. .mypy_cache/
  79. # Sublime Text #
  80. *.tmlanguage.cache
  81. *.tmPreferences.cache
  82. *.stTheme.cache
  83. *.sublime-workspace
  84. *.sublime-project
  85. # sftp configuration file
  86. sftp-config.json
  87. # Package control specific files Package
  88. Control.last-run
  91. Control.system-ca-bundle
  92. GitHub.sublime-settings
  93. # Visual Studio Code #
  94. .vscode/*
  95. !.vscode/settings.json
  96. !.vscode/tasks.json
  97. !.vscode/launch.json
  98. !.vscode/extensions.json
  99. .history
  100. .vscode
  101. .avi
  102. .mp4
  103. .xvid
  104. .divx
  105. 10-min-2021-03-13 17:43:52.403703.avi 1-min-2021-03-13 18:19:27.496491.avi 1-sec-2021-03-13 17:39:18.058546.avi 30-sec-2021-03-13 17:15:43.318137.avi 30-sec-2021-03-13 17:31:08.259258.avi 5-sec-2021-03-13 17:16:06.432966.avi 5-sec-2021-03-13 17:31:15.678635.avi output 10-min 2021-03-13 16:35:11.322760.avi output 1-min 2021-03-13 16:25:55.283950.avi output 1-sec 2021-03-13 16:36:48.498887.avi output 30-sec 2021-03-13 16:40:03.592817.avi output 30-sec 2021-03-13 17:34:11.300328.avi output 30-sec 2021-03-13 18:14:26.321451.avi output 5-min 2021-03-13 15:57:40.507908.avi output 5-sec 2021-03-13 16:37:09.634647.avi output 5-sec 2021-03-13 18:25:51.713819.avi output 5-sec 2021-03-13 18:29:52.588709.avi
  106. *.prof